Sunday, April 26, 2009

2nd Life is not for me

Last week in class I argued on the side for people who believe the "internet will make us dumber." This was before I really understood what second life was. I think I was right. 

I have to admit, I really didn't know what second life was. But in anticipation of our last class, where we will be using second life, I figure I should read up and see what this is all about. 

Am I understanding this correctly? People will go into some site and create a profile that looks like them and will interact virtually with others? Apparently you can hang out with new people, shop, play games all at your fingertips. Man, this is so wrong. Don't you think this is going a little too far? I mean talk about killing interpersonal skills. Not to mention that this can be outright creepy. Take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, as I've never used second life. Who knows, I may like it. I doubt it though. I'm more of a face to face guy;)

1 comment:

  1. I guess that is why you have a pic of yourself on your blog then isn't it?

    Second Life's utility in the long run will be for long distance informal communication. When corporations flooded it, it lost its appeal. Check out LillyLadd's post for details on the hype curve Second Life experienced.
